Love Kings Heath? Enjoy writing poems? Think you or someone you know could be the next Emily Dickinson or William Wordsworth? Then look no further than the Kings Heath Poetry Competition! Kings Heath Business Improvement District (‘Kings Heath BID’) are pleased to announce that after the success of last year, the Kings Heath Poetry Competition is back again for 2019 and we can’t wait to see what the residents of Kings Heath will produce this time round!
The competition rules are simple – all poems should be between 10 to 20 lines in length and the poem MUST have a link to Kings Heath, no matter how tenuous that may be.
There are plenty of prizes to go round and with a max of three poems from each candidate, this means even more opportunities for you to win something!
-£75 – Kings Heath Poetry Competition ‘Public vote’ – The judge will select a shortlist of 20 poems and the public can vote for their favourite poem on the Enjoy Kings Heath Facebook page and in various Kings Heath shops. The poem with the most votes wins.
-£75 – Kings Heath Poetry Competition judge’s selected winner – poems are judged anonymously by a nominated judge from Cannon Poets. http://www.cannonpoets.org.uk
-£20 in vouchers – the judge will choose the winner in the up to 11-year old category.
-£20 in vouchers – the judge will choose the winner in the 12 to 14-year old category.
-£30 in vouchers – the judge will choose the winner in the 15 to 17-year old category.
*The judge will be the chairman of Cannon Poets, Justin Knowle.*
There is no entry fee but all entries must be sent in by 5pm on the 1st August 2019.
To submit your entry, either send via email to poetry@enjoykingsheath.com OR by post to Kings Heath BID, 1a Station Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 7SR.
*Include name and address on a separate page to your poem. If under 18, please provide age and name of school.*
For the full list of rules and requirements, please visit https://www.enjoykingsheath.com/poetry-competition.html
We look forward to reading everyone’s entries and seeing how you convey our wonderful Kings Heath, good luck!