Meet the Team


BID Manager

Matt Powell – Matt was appointed on an interim basis in January 2021. He had been running his own regeneration company since 2014 and prior to that was a town centre manager employed by Birmingham City Council. Matt has worked with and for BIDs across the country. As of 1st September 2021, Matt has become the full time Manager for the BID.


High Street Wardens

Simon Carr, Umar Hussain and Ayaz Munir – The Street Wardens provide security on the High Street all year round, preventing and deterring shoplifting and anti-social behaviour.

Contact: 07956 540 288,

Marketing and Business Support Assistant

Dylan Datta – Dylan joined the team in October 2023. He has experience in digital and print marketing and knows the High Street like the back of his hand, having lived in Kings Heath almost his entire life.


Board Members

Directors of Kings Heath Business Improvement District (Kings Heath BID) limited:

  • Ian Vesey – EP Legal (Chair)
  • Katy Bayliss – Root13
  • Joe Fearn – CircusMASH
  • John Paul McCaughey – Schooners Bar
  • Philip Osman – Kings Heath CIC
  • Faith Pope – Enki
  • Brett Rehling – Fletcher’s Bar
  • Mary Reynard – Karma Centre
  • Prasad Rodrigo – RES Accountants/Subway
  • Cllr Lisa Trickett – Birmingham City Council

For a register of interests of the Board Members, please contact us.

Involved with a Kings Heath business and want to join the board? Get in touch at