
Results of the Kings Heath BID Renewal Ballot.

Business Plan for 2018 – 2023 Kings Heath BID.

Baseline for services in the Kings Heath BID 2018 to 2023.

Map of Kings Heath BID 2018 to 2023 – this is an A3 detailed map showing all the properties within the current Kings Heath BID area. All businesses in this area, pay a BID levy equivalent to 1.5% of their rateable value.

Current Articles of Association – The Articles of Association are the rules that govern how a company works. This will contain details such as: on how many directors the Board has; who can become a Director; when an AGM happens and how vote is done.

Operating Agreement between Kings Heath BID and the City Council for 2018-2019. The Operating Agreement sets out how and when Birmingham City Council collects the BID levy; when the collected levy is handed over to the BID company; how the BID company and Council monitor what the BID levy is spent on.