

Local independent pizza restaurant.

Opening Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday-Friday: 5pm-9pm
Saturday: 12pm-2pm, 5pm-9pm
Sunday: 12pm-2pm


21 York Road, Kings Heath B14 7SA


Email Address: hello@wearepoli.co.uk Website: wearepoli.co.uk

Social Media

Instagram: @polikingsheath Facebook: Poli


Threshold ramp with manual doors Adequate turning space for wheelchairs Seating available for resting (please ask if not obvious) Large print menus available Sensory sensitivity - light Comfortable sound levels Quieter after 2pm Accessible toilet Non-customers may use toilet
Information correct as of April 2024.
Accessibility information was collected as part of a project in partnership with Our Scene CIC and funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.