Charlie Parkers


Busy, friendly hair salon, established in Kings Heath since 1982.

Opening Hours

Monday: 9am-4pm
Tuesday-Wednesday: 9am-4.30pm
Thurday: 9am-8pm
Friday-Saturday: 9am-5pm
Sunday: Closed


3 Heathfield Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7BT


Phone Number: 0121 444 0386


Level or ramped access with manual doors Adequate turning space for wheelchairs Seating available for resting (please ask if not obvious) Beware of potential trip hazards Comfortable lighting levels Comfortable sound levels Quieter before 11am Quieter between 11am and 2pm Level access standard toilet Coat hooks available in bathroom
Information correct as of April 2024.
Accessibility information was collected as part of a project in partnership with Our Scene CIC and funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.