Become a member of Kings Heath BID Limited
If you are a business within the Kings Heath BID area with a rateable value of over £5,000, then you will be paying an annual surcharge called a BID levy.
This BID levy is collected by Birmingham City Council on behalf of Kings Heath BID limited. Approximately £140,000 is collected annually, which is then spent by Kings Heath BID limited to improve the shopping environment within the Kings Heath BID area.
Kings Heath BID limited is an independent company run by the Kings Heath BID levy payers. All qualifying businesses are automatically enrolled as members, and if you want to attend Annual General meetings, vote at these meetings and maybe even become a director, then you need to ensure that you are the named representative of your business.
To become a member you need to be either the person to whom the BID levy bill is addressed, or in the case of a limited company, be one of the directors. If you are neither of these, then it is still possible for you to be a member, but one of these two types of people must approve your appointment – this is particularly relevant if you are a manager of a national chain store.
Businesses with a rateable value below £5,000 and businesses which fall outside of the geographic boundary of the BID area can apply to become voluntary members of the BID. This typically requires an annual payment equivalent to either the minimum levy or the amount payable if they were to be situated within the BID boundary and membership approval is at the discretion of the BID Board.
To become a member, simply download the form here