AA Jewellers and Repairs


Established since, 1985 one of the longest  businesses to be located in Poplar Road next door to Asda car park offering all types of watch and clock  repairs suppliers of watch batteries and straps to all brands of watches. With all types of silver and gold jewellery repairs done on the premises, retailers of silver, gold and assorted giftware and most of all with a friendly service.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 9am- 5.30
Sunday: Closed


16 Poplar Road, Kings Heath, B14 7AD


Phone Number: 0121 443 4550


Single step to entrance Comfortable lighting levels Sensory sensitivity - sound Quieter before 11am Quieter between 11am and 2pm
Information correct as of April 2024.
Accessibility information was collected as part of a project in partnership with Our Scene CIC and funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.